News & Events

September 03, 2019

IGDB-IPK Workshop of 2019 on Genomics and Molecular Breeding in Triticeae Crops has been held in Xining

IGDB-IPK Workshop of 2019 on Genomics and Molecular Breeding in Triticeae Crops has been held in Xining from August 26 to 30 2019.The workshop was sponsored by the State Key Laboratory of Plant Cell and Chromosome Engineering (PCCE), Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology (IGDB), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and undertaken by Qinghai Provincial Key Laboratory of Crop Molecular Breeding. The German participant is the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK).

At the first stage of the meeting,Chen Fan, minister of science and technology development department of IGDB, presided over the opening ceremony. Yang Weicai, director of IGDB, and Yao Changqing, member of the party group of Qinghai provincial science and technology department & director of the office of science and technology assistance to the youth, respectively delivered welcome speeches. Andreas Graner, director of IPK, Yang Weicai, director of IGDB and Chen Shilong, director of the institute of northwest plateau, respectively introduced the basic situation of their own units.

At the second stage of the meeting,the conference put "genomics and molecular breeding of wheat crops" as the theme and divided five sessions including the Resources and Omics, Biotic and Abiotic Stress, Triticeae Crop Breeding, Trait Characterization, Developmental Biology and Nutrient and Light Use Efficiency. 24 experts from eight units made invited presentations to the conference.

The aboved five sessions were presided over by Yang Weicai, researcher Ling Hongqing and Fu Xiangdong from IGDB, Andreas Graner, Dr. Jochen c. Reif from IPK, Deputy director Yang Qien and researcher Shen Yuhu from NWIPB. Participants had in-depth exchanges and discussions on the latest research progress and future development direction of wheat, highland barley and other wheat crops.

In the third stage of the conference, Yang Weicai and Andreas Graner organized a discussion on how to carry out in-depth bilateral cooperation and exchanges. The two sides reached a lot of consensus on scientific research cooperation, personnel exchange and talent cultivation.

On August 28 to 29, participants of the meeting also visited the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau museum of biology, laboratories and field test bases of NWIPB.

Over 100 experts and scholars from 14 units attended the meeting. The units included IGDB, IPK, NWIPB; Agricultural university of Sichuan, Agricultural university Nanjing, Agricultural university Shandong, Agricultural university Shanxi; Fujian agriculture and forestry university, The Tibet Academy of agriculture and animal husbandry, Academy of agriculture and forestry in Qinghai province, Qinghai university and BGI Genomics, BGI-SHENZHEN .