Research Divisions

July 19, 2019

Grassland Ecosystem Research Station of Three Rivers’ Source Regions

The Sanjiangyuan Station was founded in 2008 by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Bureau of Science and Technology of Qinghai Province, Northwest Plateau Institute of Biology, CAS. It lies in Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture , Southeast of Qinghai Province at latitude 34°22′~34°20′N and longitude 100°30′~100°29′E . The station belongs to a typical plateau continental climate . The elevation is about 4000m above sea level. There is no obvious seasonal changes, except for a short cool summer and a long severe cold winter. The annual average air temperature is sub-zero. The annual precipitation ranges from 420 mm to 560 mm, 80% of which falls in the growing season from May to September. The annual average sunlight is more than 2500 hours. The soil types are dominated by Mat Cryic Cambisols (Alpine meadow soil), Mollic Cryic Cambisols (Alpine shrub soil). They are underdeveloped gravel soil with a thin layer about 60 cm~ 70 cm and characterized by high organic matter . With a typical zonal vegetation of Tibet plateau, Kobresia humilis alpine meadow is the main Grassland vegetation, and Kobresia humilis are Constructive species. The main accompanying species are Kobresia pygmaea , Scirpus distigmaticus , Elymus nutans , Poa spp, Stipa aliena, Lagotis brachystachya, Leontopodium nanum, Ajania tenuifolia, Lancea tibetica, Saussurea superb, Halerpestes tricuspis,etc. The pasture near the Sanjiangyuan Station degraded obviously because of global warming and over grazing.

Sanjiangyuan station is 420 km from Xining City with the convenient traffic conditions. At present ,the station is in the process of construction and planning, including the construction of station living area(13340m2)and comprehensive experimental community(133400m2).

Scientific orientation

Have a foothold of Grassland Ecosystem frontline and hotspots, such as biodiversity, global change and sustainable development, study the all ecotype of grassland including alpine meadow, alpine steppe, alpine wetland, construct the modernized technical platform of ecological research of grassland, which can service National macroscopically decision making(ecological security, food security and safety, etc.), promote the harmonious development of local station,improve the production concept of local farmers and herders.

Taken into consideration of the current research status and problems to be solved in study of Qinghai-Tibetan plateau grassland ecosystem, the sensitivity of Qinghai-Tibetan plateau response to global change,the vulnerability of Qinghai-Tibetan plateau grassland ecosystem. Meanwhile, meets the requirement of national ecological civilization construction in new era and development of local economy are also need to put into consideration.

To meet the state requirement on ecological security of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the important scientific problems in regional socio-economic development on the national strategy of Western Development, it is intended to provide scientific bases and key technologies to ensure the ecological security and regional sustainable development of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

With efforts of 5~10 years, make the station to be one of the open stations of Chinese Ecosystem Research Network(CERN).
To study the structure and function of typical grassland ecosystems, as well as to explore their adaptation and response mechanisms as induced by global change and human disturbance.

Research objectives

?  Short-term Objective
Patform construction: During coming 5years, according to construction and development of station system, make station become the member of National Ecosystem Research Network .

Interactions between climate change and ecosystems : Impacts of human activities on ecosystems, the response of grassland ecosystems to human activities interference and global change .

Biodiversity:Biodiversity conservation. Basic research on the pattern and processes in grassland ecosystems, biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.

Management of ecosystem and sustainable development:Dynamics of ecosystems; Sustainable management of ecosystems. The process of alpine grassland degradation and restoration.

Service for local economy, especially to animal husbandry.

?  Medium Objective
Create a core platform for study of Qinghai-Tibetan plateau.

Long-term monitoring of grassland ecosystem structure and processes, mainly including: the pattern and key regulating factors of primary productivity, temporal and the spatial population dynamics at different trophic levels, the biogeochemistry of nutrient elements and the effects of different disturbance regimes on ecological processes.

?  Long-term Objectives
In aspect of platform construction,we strive to create the most advanced research institute for grassland ecosystem,to make the station become the first choice in study of grassland ecosystem. provide long-term, systematic and reliable monitoring information and basic data for study of Qinghai-Tibetan plateau.
To provide theoretical basis for international convention related to the global change,biodiversity,sustainable development,etc.
To provide theoretical basis for ecological security, such as water resources problem.