Since 1962, NWIPB has accomplished 264 important research achievements and 116 awarded at national, CAS and provincial levels, e.g. A Worldwide Monograph of Gentiana won a second prize of the China National Award for Natural Sciences in 2004. NWIPB currently has 34 patents authorized, 3051 research papers and 105 books published, and 33 new crop varieties and 31 natural biological products discovered and developed.
NWIPB is being always interested in cooperating with scientists around the world. Since 1980s, NWIPB has established long-term friendly cooperative relationship with USA, UK, Japan, Sweden, Canada, Germany, Australia,etc and we are making great efforts to set up further relationship with you. Since 1962, NWIPB has accomplished 264 important research achievements and 116 awarded at national, CAS and provincial levels, e.g. A Worldwide Monograph of Gentiana won a second prize of the China National Award for Natural Sciences in 2004. NWIPB currently has 34 patents authorized, 3051 research papers and 105 books published, and 33 new crop varieties and 31 natural biological products discovered and developed.
NWIPB is being always interested in cooperating with scientists around the world. Since 1980s, NWIPB has established long-term friendly cooperative relationship with USA, UK, Japan, Sweden, Canada, Germany, Australia,etc and we are making great efforts to set up further relationship with you.