Int'l Cooperation

October 18, 2010

Grassland Ecosystem Management on the Qing-Tibetan Plateau Project Workshop

Dr Richard Bardgett, the principal investigator of Centre Agriculture Bioscience International, Dr Urs Schaffner, Swiss centre scientist of Centre Agriculture Bioscience International, and Dr Nick Ostle, British chairman of soil biogeochemistry and ecology of Centre Ecology & Hydrology explored the region around Qinghai Lake and Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Research Station Chinese Academy of Sciences in company with Dr Chen, deputy director of Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Dr Zhou, deputy chief of  Three Rivers Source Station from Oct 6-7th. They surveyed the grassland ecological environment around the Qinghai Lake, visited the comprehensive experimental observation field, artificial pasture, simulated warming field and etc. CABI member spoke highly of the achievement made by NWIPB on alpine meadow ecosystem ecology researches in the past and expressed the desire for cooperation.

On 8th afternoon Oct, 2010 Grassland Ecosystem Management on the Qing-Tibetan Plateau Project Workshop washeld in the 2nd floor conference room of NWIPB, discussing declaration matters of the third stage funded projects about Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation program (ESPA). The participators are from Centre Agriculture Bioscience International, Natural Environment Research Council, Ministry of Agriculture, Qinghai Science & Technology Department, Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grassland Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Agricultural Research and Regional Planning Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Qinghai Academy of Social Sciences, Qinghai Academy of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. Dr Zhao, Secretary of the Party Committee of NWIPB took the chair at the meeting, and Dr Chen, deputy director of NWIPB gave the opening speech. Dr Xie, director of Qinghai Science & Technology Department first introduced the recent status of social economic development in Qinghai province. Subsequently, Dr Bardgett took the chair at the following meeting. Bardgett first introduced the purpose of ESPA and preparation of the funds. After that, Pro Hou, head of Grassland Research Institute of CAAS, Pro Zhao, Secretary of the Party Committee of NWIPB of CAS, Pro Ostle, British chairman of soil biogeochemistry and ecology of CEH, Pro Schaffner, Swiss centre scientist of CABI, Pro Maczey, British centre scientist of CABI, Pro Cai, Institute of Agricultural Research and Regional Planning of CAAS, Pro Zhu, Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development of CAAS, Pro Sun, dean of Qinghai Academy of Social Sciences showed contents and achievements of their research fields respectively. Dr Zhang, former deputy dean of CAAS, Dr Zhang, deputy director of East Asia of CABI, Dr Zhang, representative office of CABI in Beijing introduced the organization management of the project.

Oct 10th, 2010 subgroups were established to further suggest and discuss the general objective and specific tasks of the project including studying the inter-relationship between Qinghai-Tibetan plateau grassland exploitation and plant biodiversity and soil degradation, tools to manage specific ecosystem goods and services, linking ecosystem management activities to restore degradation, conducting an economic valuation of ecosystem services, combining ecological, economic and social values, and etc. Finally, implementation of the contents and methods about the declaration project were preliminarily study out. The workshop came to a successful conclusion on Oct 10th.